Basic Concept Of Javascript For Beginners

Basic Concept Of Javascript For Beginners

Your website may become more interactive by using the computer language JavaScript. This occurs in video games, such as how buttons react when clicked or how data is entered into forms, or how dynamic style, animation, or other elements are used.

Every beginner while starting javascript is always confused regarding which are some of the basic topics one must know before getting hands-on with the advanced topics. In this article, I will cover some of the basic topics everyone should know as a beginner.

1 - Variables :

Containers called variables are used to hold values. The let keyword is used to declare variables first, then the variable name is added after that

2 - Operators :

Any mathematical symbol that generates a result based on two values is called an operator

3 - Conditionals :

Conditionals are coding constructs that check if an expression returns true or false. The if...else statement is one of the most used types of conditionals.

4 - Events :

Event handlers are necessary for a website to be interactive. These are structures in the code that watches for activity in the browser and execute code in response. The click event, which is generated by the browser when you click something with your mouse, is the most straightforward example.

5 - Loops :

The for, while, do while, or for-in loops in JavaScript are used to cycle the piece of code. It streamlines the code. It mainly appears in arrays.


There is more to javascript, but when you start learning this language you must know the fundamentals of the basics that have been mentioned before jumping on the advanced topics like arrays, functions, dom manipulation, asynchronous javascript and more.