Why is react so popular 🤔


4 min read

Why is react so popular 🤔

What is React?

Facebook created the open-source React.js framework and library. It's used for rapidly and effectively creating interactive user interfaces and online apps with far less code than vanilla JavaScript.

React allows you to build apps by generating reusable components, which may be thought of as separate Lego pieces. They are discrete elements of a final interface that, when completed, create the overall user interface of the program.

A virtualized DOM, a duplicate of the real DOM, is what React uses. Whenever the data state changes, React's virtual DOM is updated instantly to reflect the new modification. Then, in order to determine what has changed, React makes a comparison between the virtual and actual DOMs.A virtual DOM, created or altered by browsers, is a simulation of a genuine DOM. The virtual DOM is formed declaratively by advanced technologies like React, which create an analogous tree of items to the real DOM in memory. One of the elements that contribute to the framework's speed and dependability is the virtual DOM.

React has grown in popularity and stability as a result of its capacity to build online apps that are quick, effective, and scalable. It is being used by thousands of online apps, including both established businesses and fresh startups.

React special features :

  • React makes use of JSX, a JavaScript syntactic extension. That is how we produce "elements."

  • The core of React is the component. One must consider everything to be a component. While working on bigger projects, this will make it easier for you to maintain the code.

  • One-way data flow, which React supports, makes it simple to think about your app. A pattern called flux aids in maintaining the unidirectionality of your data.

Benefits of using React

  • React uses the virtual DOM, a JavaScript object. As JavaScript's virtual DOM is quicker than the conventional DOM, this will enhance the speed of apps.

  • May be used with other frameworks and on the client and server sides.

  • Component and data patterns make bigger programs easier to manage by improving readability.

  • Using React, multiple developers may create unique components without affecting the application's functionality in any way.

  • React's modular nature makes its code more flexible and easier to maintain when compared to competing front-end frameworks.

  • If you know the basics of JavaScript, deploying React is quite simple to do.

  • An experienced JavaScript developer can pick up the everything about React framework in a day or two.

Now talking about React's popularity

Well till now one must be clear about why react is so popular, it has lots of advantages and special unique features which make it reliable to use.

One of React's main advantages is how simple it is to understand, especially if you are already an expert in JavaScript. React can be installed in a few hours, and you can start creating web applications right away once you're up and running. There is a tonne of clear documentation available. The quick learning curve also allows you to spend more time doing and less time learning. That is likely certainly the reason React has been adopted so widely.

ReactJS uses a virtual DOM to resolve the aforementioned problem. Changes performed here are first shown on the virtual DOM, which exists in memory rather than on your screen. A clever program examines the modifications made to the virtual DOM to determine which ones should be mirrored on the original DOM. It also chooses the best strategy for implementing these modifications and makes adjustments to the original DOM. Little time is spent updating.

One may accomplish this with the aid of React Native, the native implementation of ReactJS, which is a cross-platform mobile app development framework. It has become a common trend for creating native, strong, and high-quality mobile apps for iOS and Android. Apps made with this framework are more effective and agile, load faster, and run more smoothly (requiring less memory). In addition, if any problems arise, you can always count on the supportive React Native community.

This brings us to the end of this article, thank you for reading it , hope you liked it, do share what are your views on Reactjs